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• To show and teach unconditional love to all man kind regardless of race, creed, color, spiritual, mental, or health conditions, whether they be bound or free so that he may walk in integrity with the likeness of God.

• To embrace the broken hearted, that they may be restored.

• To reach out to the backslider, so that they may return to the Lord. 

• To aide the poor and the homeless with food, clothing, and shelter.

• To establish a Street Team Ministry to draw those that are without a purpose, direction,  and to show them the right way.

• To teach unity and family love to members of broken or troubled homes by helping them to understand that love covers a multitude of faults.


• To teach unity and family love to members of broken or troubled homes by helping them to understand that love covers a multitude of faults.

• To build schools taught by teachers with strong morals and a Christian as well as an academic background.

• To meet the needs of the elderly and people of special needs by building Christian based facilities. 

• To establish a training school for all aspects of ministry from new members to pastors so  that they all will be effective in their callings. 

• Allowing God to bring forth deliverance through praying, fasting, preaching & teaching to those that are sick in the body, mind & soul and to see healing by the laying of hands.  Doing all things by the power of God and of His will. — Amen.

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law. — Proverbs 29:18 

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