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And we know that all things work together for good to them that

love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.  —Romans 8:28


Bishop Doles is an anointed, spirit filled man of God.  He has been pastoring in Jacksonville Florida for 19+ years.  He was chosen by God & called to preach & teach the word to His people. 


Prior to pastoring Divine Truth & Deliverance Ministry, Bishop Doles was given a vision by God.  Bishop Doles experienced the supernatural move of God in his life.  He was already filled with the Holy Spirit.  God charged Bishop to go out & reach His people.  Bishop accepted the holy mandate from God to teach the truth of God's Word uncompromisingly.


Bishop Doles continued to lead the congregation in the ways of God. He teaches God's Word boldly and unashamedly.  God has truly blessed the Ministry.  Being a man of vision and always sensitive to the move of God's Spirit, Bishop Doles formed a men’s ministry called “Men of Integrity.”  


This ministry focuses on helping men to walk into their destiny, and take their rightful place.  As Bishop Doles continues to preach & teach the word of God inside the walls and out on the streets his motto is “I ain’t scared of the devil.”

Bishop Carl Dole's Itinerary
Jackie Dole



Pastor Jackie Doles is president and founder of W.I.A.; “Women in Action”, a women’s ministry at Divine Truth & Deliverance Ministry of Jacksonville, Florida.  


She has been serving under Overseer Bishop Carl D. Doles, Sr. for over 10 years.  God is first in her life.  She is totally devoted & sold out to Him in spite of any situation that may come her way. 


Pastor Doles has a calling on her life to preach & teach the Gospel.  She has a passion for saving marriages, teaching the couples to wade their way through their trials & tribulation in the spirit of prayer trusting and believing that God will make a way. 


At the age of 13 she made a request to God & in her adult life it came to pass in detail as requested, so she knows that God will do what he said he would do.  Pastor Doles leads a prayer intercessory team. Prayer is a very important part of her life & she truly believes in her heart that “the effectual, fervent prayers of a righteous person availeth much”.  


She is a spiritual mother to many.  She believes that every woman is special and has a special gift, and believes in trying to bring out their best side; a side that they sometimes do not see or know about.  


She believes in seeing people happy.  She has been married to Bishop Carl Doles (Sr. Pastor of Divine Truth & Deliverance Ministry) for over 36 years.  God has allowed her to experience trials & tribulations so that she may go back & help others. 


Pastor Doles believes in speaking life into others spirits so that in times of trouble they will be able to stand.  Pastor Doles gives all the credit, the honor & the glory to God, because her personal motto is: “It’s not about us, it’s all about God”.

Pastor Jackie Dole's Itinerary
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